Cyber Security

Today, with incidents of digital fraud, theft and cyberattacks among the TOP 5 Global Risks for any modern business, it is extremely important for businesses to take the appropriate steps to ensure their proper business operation.

For ONLINE DATA, dealing with Information Security was a natural development due to its operational nature. From the simple implementation of a Next Generation Firewall and a company’s compliance with GDPR to the complete management of a company’s information security, we have the know-how, infrastructure, and the like, certified personnel to deliver quality cyber security services. Design, implementation, support and operation services of solutions of any size or complexity in collaboration with the most trusted Construction Companies, from which the company also carries the appropriate certifications and specialties.

ONLINE DATA has made a strategic investment, leading the way in the new cybersecurity era, with both highly specialized cybersecurity executives, an ISO 27001 Security Operations Center certified, and multiple partnerships with companies such as Cisco, Microsoft, Symantec, Citrix, IBM Security, VMware, offering advanced Cyber ​​Security solutions to suit the specific needs of each business.